A warm holiday greeting from all of us at Niños del Lago.
Since the start of the pandemic, NdL has been focusing relief efforts on the communities that surround Lake Atitlan. With your help, we have been able to deliver food and aid packages to those communities. And we need your help to continue this effort.
The past year has had a particularly devastating impact on this area, and the result is that many families and children are going without food, medicine, and education. And we can make a difference, with continued support.
Would you consider making an end of the year gift to NdL? Just $12 provides enough food to feed a family for a month! With a donation of $120 you are changing the lives of at leas 50 Guatemalans for the next 30 days! Your gift here has a huge impact!
And thank you for your previou support. We simply could not have done this without you!
We wish you and yours a very happy holidays season and hope that you stay safe and healthy as we move into 2021.
Nancy Morales
Niños del Lago, USA Board President