Keep Studying Program
(Covid Response)
“Access to technology and materials necessary to continue studying while schools remain closed is notably unequal. Similarly, children who do not have enough help to study at home have little means to facilitate their education. It is essential to provide a diversity of
educational tools and expand internet access for each school and for each child.”
UNICEF (June 2020)
Unfortunately, due to COVID protocols, the Stay in School program will not be able to begin until government regulations allow it to work closely with tutoring classes for elementary-level public school children. As Covid response: we create the Keep Studying sub-program to continue supporting the education of Guatemalan children in need.

Why is the Internet so important?
We have been in contact with schools and community authorities in Panajachel and San Andrés Semetabaj to learn first-hand about the needs that have arisen as a direct consequences of the pandemic.
These are the main challenges:
- The high cost of internet service making it unavailable to low-income families.
- Only 27.36% of homes in urban areas and 3.52% of homes in rural areas have internet. (Population and Housing Census, 2018)
- Education during 2021 will be a big challenge for the poorest communities and villages where there is little or no electricity and internet access.

Niños del Lago will focus on creating FREE Community Internet Centers in different locations of Panajachel and in some villages in the rural area of San Andrés Semetabaj.
To operate and organize the Community Internet Centers, Niños del Lago is working in partnership with civil associations, community leaders, public school principals and local authorities.
These community centers, depending on the particular needs of each area, will support primary, secondary, high school, university students, and teachers who are in the public education system.
We expect to reach 800 students and teachers in urban areas and up to 500 students and teachers in rural areas.